之前已经做过一个相关的脚本,主要是使用github actions实现的自动回帖脚本,但是在几天前收到了如下的邮件通知,当时是十分懵逼的,然后联系github support询问被封禁原因,然后又收到了下下面的回复,自己猜测可能是因为滥用actions被封禁了,上面这个可能只是附加的原因,但总而言之是不能继续使用actions白嫖了,所以就打算放在博客上继续维护,不至于最后git账号归于虚无

Access to the 0honus0/1024-Autoreply repository has been disabled by GitHub staff due to a terms of service violation. You may contact GitHub Support for more information or to request a review of this decision: Contact GitHub Support

You may review our terms of service here: GitHub's Terms of Service


Thanks for reaching out. Your repository was actioned due to violation of the following prohibition found in our Acceptable Use Policies:

We do not allow content or activity on GitHub that is:

  • using GitHub as a platform for propagating abuse on other platforms;

Please also note our additional terms related to Actions usage:

Additionally, regardless of whether an Action is using self-hosted runners, Actions should not be used for:

  • any activity that places a burden on our servers, where that burden is disproportionate to the benefits provided to users

Because of the nature and volume of the prohibited activity, we will not be reinstating your repository.

GitHub Trust & Safety

第一版代码是刚入手python时的练手项目,所以写的也比较乱,只是为了实现功能,现在刚好借被封的契机重新实现了一版,新版 代码地址 原有的功能也都保留着,因为没有测试,所以如果有bug可以在评论反馈下

2023/2/27 重新在github创建一个仓库,不使用actions 地址

最后修改:2023 年 02 月 27 日